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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » During the Nancy and Chuck meeting da prez said he'd be PROUD to take responsibility for shutting the gubment down. The guy LIED! HOW?

During the Nancy and Chuck meeting da prez said he'd be PROUD to take responsibility for shutting the gubment down. The guy LIED! HOW?

Now he sez sez he that the shutdown " will last for a very long time" and has once again shifted the blame for that to Democrats. He owns  the shutdown. He bought and paid for it with his own words. But once again the shiftless ethics-free liar blames others...a usual tactic since even when he says he will PROUDLY take ownership he backtracks and takes back what he said and blames someone else. Is anyone really surprised?

Posted - December 21, 2018


  • 46117
    His mouth is moving.  He is lying.  We all know this.  But now it is recorded that he is behind anything to do with any shutdown... AS IF WE HAD TO GUESS WHO IS BEHIND IT.

      December 21, 2018 6:48 AM MST