Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Is it only the ME FIRST folks who support/celebrate AMERICA FIRST? Do you have to BE SELFISH to SUPPORT SELFISH ?
Geez Sharon that face...that face...that beautiful face. NOT. Well Sarah Huckabee Sanders certainly is a great face for the current administration. It speaks volumes..almost ALL of which is bullsh** lies but that is what is required to survive and well she is a survivor! Thank you for your reply! :)
Putting America First is not selfish. It is common sense and proper behavior. You take care of your house first..your family first, your children first. Then you help the others.
YOU TAKE CARE OF THE LACKEYS in the one PERCENT arena. That is who gets the goodies. Do NOT kid yourself with this nonsense he spews. He could care LESS about YOU. Or your family or anyone's family but his own.
Then he doesn't help anyone but them. He is going down and so his that sickwad family of his. You do not matter in the slightest.
More jobs feed and clothes even the poorest child as long as the parent will work. Record low unemployment for blacks and Hispanics and other minorities. Near record for females. That is policy that is putting America First and it is literally paying off.
There was a time when most of us (i'm sure you too) were taught to honor and value the best of our great national heritage. And we felt privileged to live in a country with such a heritage and such fine ideals. Well many of us still do and rather than think of destroying it or letting it go or giving it all away we try to live lives that are worthy of our national heritage.