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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Jealous little stable boy pushed GENERAL MATTIS out two months early. 83% of the military prefer Mattis to stable boy. Stable boy's rating?

Jealous little stable boy pushed GENERAL MATTIS out two months early. 83% of the military prefer Mattis to stable boy. Stable boy's rating?

44%. That green-eyed monster engulfed little low-self-esteem stable boy and he had to get rid of the guy who was shaming him every day. However what it actually did was show how low he would go to get rid of someone the military preferred TWICE AS MUCH as they do him. Pathetic little stable boy needs to get rid of everyone the public likes and only keep those the public despises as much as they we  despise him. Good luck with that.

Posted - December 24, 2018


  • 46117
    Why are his approval ratings still THAT high?  How many imbeciles are there left?

      December 24, 2018 5:33 AM MST

  • 113301
    I have NO IDEA Sharon. I always thought the wackadoodles were on the fringes of society at about 5% of the voting public. You know the conspiracy nuts, Faux news cable channel fans, racists, bigots, tinfoil cap wearers? There is no one more shocked than me about how very wrong I was. No one. If I think about it too long I get neurotic psychotic idiotic paranoid. You never know where they go, what they do, whom they are or what they would do to you if they only knew how much you despise their beloved very unstable stable boy. I tell ya it's a minefield out there. SIGH. Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at December 24, 2018 5:42 AM MST
      December 24, 2018 5:40 AM MST

  • 46117

    Some of them are RIGHT here on this site.  

    They are EVERYWHERE in Arizona.  Most of them are not even pro Trump.  They are just CLUELESS idiots who have no idea what is going on and do not care.  That is the real enemy.  Just riding the storm out and contributing NOTHING.

    The one percent are the richest morons on the planet who will say or do anything to ensure the money keeps flowing to them.

      December 24, 2018 8:53 AM MST