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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I've admired people but I have never envied or been jealous of anyone at any time for any reason. Have you? Why?

I've admired people but I have never envied or been jealous of anyone at any time for any reason. Have you? Why?

Posted - December 24, 2018


  • 44742
    I can't think of a time when I ever was envious or jealous. Also, there have been only a small handful of those that I have admired.
      December 24, 2018 12:05 PM MST

  • 113301
    We part company on that Ele. I've admired hundreds..perhaps thousands of people whom I've encountered during my lifetime. Probably thousands since I'm an old dame and have a very good memory for things like that. I admire people who have abilities I don't have. I admire people whose temperaments I totally lack and know I can never be that. I am terribly impatient so I hugely admire those who are patient with me. I wish I could return the favor with those who need me to be patien with them but I am unable to be that for them no matter how much I would like to be. Our limitations and our aspirations are often at war. SIGH. So the small handful whom you have admired thus far? What made them so special to you if you don't mind my asking? Thank you for your reply! :)
      December 24, 2018 12:09 PM MST

  • 44742
    To me, we are all equal, except for our deeds and talents. Nobody is more important than anyone else. I guess I'm just not an admire type of person.
      December 24, 2018 12:17 PM MST

  • 113301
    You probably rarely give compliments then right? I compliment people all the time for all kinds of things. Why? Because I think it and what I think I say out loud. I have always been that way. Some folks are generous with compliments others not so much. Why we are wired as we are I can only guess. Guesses don't count. Thank you for your reply Ele. We yam what we yam and whom we yam. Fate or choice? I don't know that either!  :)
      December 27, 2018 5:45 AM MST