Not any more. I am finally getting used to the fact that I can no longer do the things I once could. I have no aspirations anymore as I have met all my goals. At least my brain still functions, despite my efforts to kill it.
How lucky are you Ele? "I have met all my goals". I wish I could say that but you know what? Most all my life I cannot remember having any long-term goals. Short-term sure. Do my homework, pass the test, follow the rules, don't lie, be polite. I was never ambitious to achieve anything in particular. I entered Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles because someone said "you'd make a very good lawyer". I lasted one month. I would not make a very good lawyer. I wished for things of course. Getting married, having kids, living happily ever after but that is not specific or unique to me. In my day that was the standard typical ordinary expected goal for all women. Goals have always eluded me in fact still do. They are fuzzy like an Impressionist painting. Strange ain't it? Thank you for your reply and Happy Merry Christmas Tuesday 2018 to thee and thine! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at December 25, 2018 8:19 AM MST
I expect you were always prescient tom. I have had instinctive "feelings" on occasion that proved to actually "predict" something that happened. Not intellectually though. Emotionally, intuitively? But how do you really ever "USE" them to benefit you? In my case I have always been very aware of my limitations but I can't recall ever having any specific aspirations. Lofty goals. I have kind of floated through life rather than worked hard and struggled and fought to achieve things. I've been very lucky in that some exceptionally wonderful things dropped in my lap. I never sought them. They just occurred. So I can't take can't take any credit for happenstance or serendipity. Was someone "up there" watching out for me? I have no idea. I am not a competitor. Never have been. Not my cuppa tea. I have always been a very good employee or so I have been told by supervisors through the years. All I know is I always do my best and I don't stiff anyone. If anything I give more than I get because it suits my nature. On the last day I was employed at every job I ever left I worked hard to make sure whoever took over would have no problems. I was told I could leave early a couple of times but I never did.Worked to the very end of the last day as if I would be there forever. SIGH. At this stage and age I believe I yam whom I yam and that's all that I yam. Thank you for your reply and Happy Merry Christmas 2018 Tuesday to thee the thine! :)