"Nuff said. Although some drunks are funny and some get very quiet and some (the ones to whom you allude I think) get reel reel reel mean. Thank you for your reply Ele. Any kinda booze will do it?
Old School (remember him Ele?) has become a kinda sorta beer gourmet or gourmand. My son's ex-fiancee in fact introduced my son and Old School to all the wonders of glorious beer. A Colorado girl where there are many brew pubs. Are you a gourmet/gourmand beer drinker too Ele? I like beer but can't drink too much of it. It is very bloating or filling. I tasted one once though that tasted like thick mud. I don't recall the name of it but it was very dark and nasty. No I never tasted mud but it's what I imagine mud tastes like. What's your favorite beer? Thank you for your reply! :)