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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You KNOW if you are innocent. You KNOW if you are capable of always telling the truth. You also KNOW if you aren't aren't. Unless?

You KNOW if you are innocent. You KNOW if you are capable of always telling the truth. You also KNOW if you aren't aren't. Unless?

Unless you live in DELUSION world and really believe every lie you tell. In that case you would fight all attempts to get to the truth tooth and nail unless your DELUSION world made you believe you are innocent and if that is true wouldn't your delusional self WELCOME ALL INVESTIGATIONS INTERROGATIONS? How else could you ever be absolved of what you were charged with and VINDICATED? Also if you are INNOCENT you fight tooth and nail to ALLOW all investigations and interrogations to proceed. IF and ONLY IF you are guilty and KNOW would you then fight for the right of the people to KNOW what you did, what you are. So for once it ain't complicated at all folks. You're innocent you fight FOR all investigations interrogations. You're guilty then of course you fight AGAINST all investigations interrogations and try to stop them kill them sabotage them annihilate them. Easy peasy simple.


Posted - December 25, 2018


  • 46117
    He KNOWS he is a liar.  He thinks everyone is playing this game.  Only his base is playing.  Only the deluded who believe all are liars and they want their liar to be on top of things and control all the other liars.

    The people who live in truth need to take back what is lost by this Administration.

    The liars need to get gone.  The swamp really needs to be drained.  And those who want the truth to out need to speak the TRUTH and get these liars gone.  

    This is too much even for this country who loves to hear lies and gossip 24/7.

    Global Warming is not a lie.  

    The environment is killing us.  

    The powers that be do not care.

    The Democrats better NOT lie.

    Or we are all doomed.
      December 25, 2018 7:10 AM MST