Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Allegedly the 1000 plus point rise in the stock market is THE LARGEST ONE DAY RISE IN THE HISTORY OF THE MARKET. Naturally or ARTIFICIALLY?

Allegedly the 1000 plus point rise in the stock market is THE LARGEST ONE DAY RISE IN THE HISTORY OF THE MARKET. Naturally or ARTIFICIALLY?

If it occurred organically what was the cause? If it occurred artificially lotsa lotsa lotsa billionaire fixers flooded the market and bought their butts off for what whom why and for how long? Stinks.

Posted - December 27, 2018


  • 46117
    It is highly unstable.  How proud Don Don must be.  He can get on the news today and claim victory for the highest raise in points in history.

    Just remember that there was a yesterday and there will be a tomorrow.  Anyone who has anything vested in this market is suicidal.

      December 27, 2018 9:07 AM MST

  • 113301
    I think it was a con scam and rigged. There was no news that was so great it caused that upsurge organically and naturally. So billionaire buddy boys bought their a **es off to artificially force it to go up like that. I crashed down to around 600 under  Thursday but then came back to even or above. It was a farce and still is. Nothing natural or logical about it. Everything has a reason. Weird things have weird reasons. Thank you for your reply and the graphic.
      December 28, 2018 7:45 AM MST