Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The stockmarket is not a place for cautious careful thoughtful controlled. It is a wild ride to wherever whenever however. ARE YOU WILD?

The stockmarket is not a place for cautious careful thoughtful controlled. It is a wild ride to wherever whenever however. ARE YOU WILD?

It sure ain't for scairdy cat wimps(count me in among 'em). Daily upsy dazy whoopsy doopsy oopsy poopsy. None more AWESOME than the stable boy stockmarket. An E Ticket ride if ever there were one. That's for you old folks who remember when Disneyland HAD E tickets. SIGH. Gets your juices flowing and your blood roiling as you walk on the precipice of DISASTER. What an exciting time! Yea for our team!.

Posted - December 27, 2018
