Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» What more could y'all (the MINORITY) want in a prez than the one y'all "elected"? Isnt he just the cat's meow? Perfect in every way?
Thank you for your reply and the graphic Sharon. Here's what I think. They hated President Obama because he is intelligent articulate accomplished and is beloved. They are not racists because you see they LOVE Kanye West the dingbat black wackadoodle and all the Uncle Toms who suck up to them as fellow trumpicans who all adore stable boy. They did bigly resent President Obama because he is smarter wiser kinder more accomplished than any of them and they didn't like feeling so dam* inferior to anyone let alone a person of color. With the stable boy he is so bottom everyone looks DOWN upon him and feels superior to him and therefore they love the guy. Do I know that for a fact? No. But it's the only logical reasonable sensible conclusion to draw in my opinion. :)
This post was edited by RosieG at December 28, 2018 7:20 AM MST