Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The EXTREMELY POLITICALLY AMBITIOUS Nick Ayers turned down the job of Chief of Staff for stable boy. Bigly humliating. Does stable boy know?

The EXTREMELY POLITICALLY AMBITIOUS Nick Ayers turned down the job of Chief of Staff for stable boy. Bigly humliating. Does stable boy know?

Well per stable boy there are tons and tons and tons of folks who want to work in the white house. He sez they are very "hot". It's just a matter of deciding who gets what job. My a**! No one with a brain wants to be remotely connected to this sinking ship. No one with a brain who can get a job elsewould wear that indelible tattoo..."worked in the stable boy white house". All those who did were conned into thinking it would enhance their value. it is the mark of the devil they bear and wear and will. Futurely things do not look so good for them. AND they know that  all staff will be involved in multiple investigations AND perhaps pulled in by Mueller to testify about what they know. What intelligent person would WILLINGLY sign up for that? Meanwhile those who can bail will. Just watch and wait and see how very lonely stable boy will be. Surrounded by the promised "best" people. Soon now. Very soon. Any day now. Everyone says so! :)

Posted - December 28, 2018
