Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Well if stable boy wants to beat a record he's gonna hafta keep gubment closed MORE THAN 21 DAYS! Will he, should he can he?

Well if stable boy wants to beat a record he's gonna hafta keep gubment closed MORE THAN 21 DAYS! Will he, should he can he?

The five longest shutdowns and why and who was prez you can read below.

1977  Carter    10 days  MEDICAID
1978  Carter    14 days  Vetoed $37 Billion defense authorization bill
1979  Carter    11 days  Over  5.5% pay increase for congress
1995-96  Clinton  21 days  Vetoed Republican congress spending bill
2013  Obama   16          Over the Affordable Health Care Act which Republicans DESPISE and want GONE
2018-19  stable boy   We don't how long      BORDER WALL y'all. A border wall. Can you believe it?

Posted - January 1, 2019
