They haven't done "their job" in a hundred years. What makes you think they'll start today? But, as long as the Senate is in the right hands, we can make the proper corrections and send it all back. There are probably folks who can read and write in the upper chamber.
Tell me what you think you know about Trump's 17 lawsuits. Tell me what you think you know about who has been indicted so far. Tell me what you think you know about the entire Mueller investigation?
All you do is shoot your mouth off and say zero. The Democrats know how a government is run, not the lawless chaos you and your buddies think is the way to run a government. Screw Puerto Rico, screw the kids in cages, you just want it to be your way. It is NOT your way. It never was and never will be a government based on the upper one percent.
There will be NO wall. EVER. And you, with all your posturing and strutting around, are the one who cut off your nose to spite your face and get NOTHING done ever. Just a bunch of bobbleheads like Stephen Miller, the biggest hater and malicious moron to grace the Earth.