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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » He boxed himself into a NO WIN position. Sez the gubment could be "shut down for months or years"! You on board with that?

He boxed himself into a NO WIN position. Sez the gubment could be "shut down for months or years"! You on board with that?

There is no way in he** the stable boy can save face. He screwed himself royally when he said he would be PROUD to take all responsibility for shutting down the gubment. I guess Rushbaugh and Coulter and all the trumpicans are REAL PROUD of him, right? Sticking to his guns like that? That toady sycophant Matt Whitaker the fake phony "acting" AG waxed poetic at that so-called cabinet meeting by rhapsodizing about the prez who missed Christmas and New Year's with his family! Sheesh. Made ya wanna barf. So there he is in all his splendiferous raiment. Shining and glowing in his stand. $5.7 billion for the wall or we just don't reopen gubment for as long as it takes . He is a man of his word right? No way he will backtrack on that ULTIMATUM right? No way in he**! SIGH

Posted - January 5, 2019
