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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Here's a puzzlement. The stable boy sez most of the furloughed folks are DEMOCRATS. He also sez furloughed folks back him up. WHAT?

Here's a puzzlement. The stable boy sez most of the furloughed folks are DEMOCRATS. He also sez furloughed folks back him up. WHAT?

So let me get this straight. Most of the furloughed folks are Democrats. They did not vote for him. He is not their prez. BUT many and many and many of the furloughed folks are supporting what he is doing and he has received a bajillion tweets and calls and emails and telepathic messages from THEM telling him to keep the gubment shutdown shut down. Now I ask you how does that make any sense?

Which lie do you believe? That most of the furloughed folks are Dems(so it is implicit that they don't matter) or that a bajillion of the furloughed folks support him and want him to keep the shutdown going?

They cannot BOTH BE TRUE. He lies so much he is oblivious to the contradiction. Well we know he ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer and he has never played with a full deck. And the beat goes on. And on. And on.

Posted - January 8, 2019
