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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If the current guy doesn't end up in prison after he is kicked out of office he will do another reality show. Wouldja watch? Its NAME?

If the current guy doesn't end up in prison after he is kicked out of office he will do another reality show. Wouldja watch? Its NAME?

"The Ex-President"
"The crucified lamb"
"The days of glory"
"Once upon a time in a land far away"
"Low IQ"
"Blame the Dems"
"Everyone says so "
"I'm the only one who can fix it"
"I am a stable genius"
"I know more than the generals"
"I will never lie to you"
"Lock her up"
"Mexico will pay for the wall"
 "Puppet? I'm no puppet. You're the puppet"
"All I can tell you is that he denied it"
"You can grab them by the ______"
 "I love women. No one loves them more than I do"
"Why can't I have my way about EVERYTHING?"
"I am the best there ever was"
"If she weren't my daughter I would probably date her"
"Why do we get folks from SH**hole countries? Why not NORWAY?"
"Rapists and murderers and terrorists flood over the border"
"The Caravan is coming to get YOU"
"There is good and bad on both sides. In defense of racists/bigots/homophobes/American Nazis"
"My tax returns are currently under audit. When the audit is done I will release them"
"We'll see what happens"
"In a short period of time or sometime soon or in awhile or less"
"He's a hero because he got captured"
 "She had blood coming out of her everywhere"
"Let's censor vulgar language"
"The press/media is the enemy of the people"
"What's wrong with getting along with Russia?"
"We've won. We defeated ISIS"

Posted - January 8, 2019
