Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» For those who believe. Is the God we worship on earth only an earthly GOD or is that GOD one who created trillions of galaxies?
For those who believe. Is the God we worship on earth only an earthly GOD or is that GOD one who created trillions of galaxies?
Are Homo Sapiens HIS greatest creation or HIS least great, least auspicious, least valuble, least "special"? Ever wonder about that? If so what have you concluded? If not, why not?
God is not an "earthly" god but a spiritual God. He is the God who created this physical universe ... and more (the "heavens" beyond the "heavens")
In this physical universe, people (men and women) are God's highest creation. Of everything He created, only people were made in His image. Not frogs, not apes, not trees not even the universe itself is made in His image... only people. Of all His creation He only sent His Son to die for people (redeem them) - not crocodiles, not tomatoes, not mountains ... just people. Would you sacrifice your life for something worthless; something that had no value?? Are people perfect? No! Are they worthy of God? Not hardly! The first thing His new creation did was rebel against Him. Are they precious to Him? Yes!! So precious He sacrificed His life to bring them back to Him (redeem).
How much value does something have to have that you are willing to die for it? People die for many things - country, family, sometimes even money. To them, these things are of more value than themselves. Would you willingly give your life for your country? Your family? Why? BEcause of the value you place on them. If you didn't value something you sure wouldn't willingly die for it.
Are we God's "greatest" creation? Here, yes. Are we valuable to HIm? Yes! Just one person is of more value to God than the entire universe.
Thank you for your reply Shuhak. Among the trillions of galaxies do you really believe homo sapiens on plaent earth are the only ones created in God's image? If so why create so many of them? Do you really think we are the height of His abilities or perhaps we are the least? I'm going to askj because I think somewhere God did do a better job. SIGH.
I have no idea if God created other life in the universe. If He did, I seriously doubt we'll ever "find" them.
I honestly don't know why He created so many of us. I can only surmise that He wants a "people" to lavish His love on (this is just my own opinion here). We know that God is love. Perhaps God wanted a "people" who could love Him as He loves (we all know how we feel when we are truly loved by someone else). God created us with free will. We can choose to either love Him or not to love Him (we're not robots). He doesn't force us to Love Him. We also know that not everyone will choose to love God; in fact, a vast majority won't. (again, its their choice). I dont think theres a "set number" of people God did/will create. ("X" amount will love HIm, and "Z" amount wont)
You ask if God could God do a better job than us. The answer is no. There is no "better job" than being created in His image (what's more perfect than perfection?) Are we what He desired us to be? Not hardly. I mean look around... we sure aren't models of perfection. However, God sees us as something greater. That's why He's so willing to forgive us and make us "perfect" once again (the way He created us in the first place). No, we are far from what God desires us to be. Yet as wicked as we are God still loves us. So much so that He sacrificed the most precious thing He had - His only Son - just to redeem us. God didn't make us to be wicked. We choose to be by turning our backs on Him and setting ourselves up as god. If we made something that didn't turn out as we'd planned, we'd scrap it and start over. Amazingly, God didn't.