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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » BOOM! So if true that Paul Manafort GAVE TRUMP POLLING DATA TO A RUSSIAN SPY that is evidence of COLLUSION! Uh-oh?

BOOM! So if true that Paul Manafort GAVE TRUMP POLLING DATA TO A RUSSIAN SPY that is evidence of COLLUSION! Uh-oh?

Polling data is highly guarded. It shows the strengths and weaknesses of a candidate. Giving it to a Russian  Spy to do what with it? By the ultimatum boy CAMPAIGN MANAGER? PROOF that the ultimatum boy campaign COLLUDED WITH A FOREIGN COUNTRY. Quid pro  quo. Russian help in exchange for rescinding of sanctions? How low do these crumbumb treasonsorus traitors go to get their ultimatum boy installed as prez? We are finding out! Take a seat. Rest a spell. It will get way more fun. Can't you tell? To ASSUME ultimatum boy didn't know anything about what his campaign manager was doing is ludicrous. He puts his nose into everything. He wants to control everything because he KNOWS everything. So that would not be something outside his purview.

Posted - January 9, 2019
