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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Per Russian Church Patriarch Kirill "smart phones are paving the way for the antichrist". Does he have a point?

Per Russian Church Patriarch Kirill "smart phones are paving the way for the antichrist". Does he have a point?

He says that all the electronic gadgets conneced to the internet will have complete control over humanity. Well isn't that already proven by the Russian meddling in the American presidential election? All the lies and disinformation and fake accounts and fake people already controlled millions of people. Can controlling 7 billion plus be that far fetched? Beware ye with all your electronic thingies. You may be shackled by them and unable to extricate your brain. Forewarned.

Posted - January 9, 2019


  • 46117

    What does that even mean?

    There is no proof of this whatsoever.  The more that hacking occurs, the more we learn to skirt the hacking.

    Technology is here to stay.  The devil has nothing to do with this.
      January 9, 2019 9:19 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday.
      January 10, 2019 2:13 AM MST

  • 3719
    It's a bit rich, an accusation like that coming from the Russian Orthodox Church, given their links with President Putin's government.

    It's nonsense anyway, even if you believe there is such a thing as "The AntiChrist",  because it's not the Internet that's the problem, but human beings mis-using it for their own ends. The sort of human beings who would have always found ways to advance their selfish ends. 

    The threat from governments is not directly to we private individuals unless it damages public services. At an individual level, we ought worry more about the giant, mainly American, corporations who have taken over the Internet for commercial ends, but there are simple ways we can reduce that problem. For many people that would start most obviously with learning how to turn the "smart" 'phone off, and avoiding using the likes of Facebook!

    So Long, Sucks: you have a point in learning to skirt the hacking, but at really serious, company- or country- level it's become something of an arms race. The most skilled hackers are professional system-analysers and programmers paid to endeavour always to be one step ahead of the defence, and presumably analyse the defence to find its weak points. Logically, although most virus software works by spotting certain types of background file there without authority, you cannot always fight off a digital attack until it happens, and you can then analyse its code and source.

      January 9, 2019 4:41 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply Durdle. I disagree. I think humanity is in the grips of something evil. What is that? The ability to lie and have your lies spread INSTANTANEOUSLY WORLDWIDE. The internet is how terrorist groups stay in touch. Just think without it how much more difficult colluding and conspiring and spreading lies to terrorize would be? Some folks are plugged in 24/7 and are addicted. They SLEEP with their cell phones within easy reach. They are on them 24/7 even when in the company of other people. The FACEBOOK phenomenon is just a small inkling of the mass hysteria mass hypnosis mass huge KOOLAID the people are drinking by the gallon. I think the internet has already shown us how powerful it is to sway thinking. And it has only just begun. How else would ONE PERSON (call him/her the antichrist or the newest hearthrob) mesmerize millions into believing lies? Newspapers books are being phased out. People get their "news" from the internet. Bookstores libraries are being phased out.. Buying stuff on Amazon is CHEAPER. Internet fever. Buying accepting believing embracing defending. What better method of reaching people IN THEIR HOMES or wherever they are than TWITTER? You think it is farfetched? I think it is more than a possibility because we already see how it installed a most inept incompetent ignorant person as president hand-picked by a foreign government. I'm just sayin'. Take out any religious aspect if that makes you uncomfortable. It is a  he** of a Trojan Horse. Thank you for your reply Durdle. I think I'm gonna ask! :)
      January 10, 2019 2:23 AM MST

  • 3719
    I see what you mean, but there have always been both the evil and deceitful ones, and good but weak ones. And all sorts in between.

    The Internet has certainly made things far easier and quicker for those wanting to spread poison, or to interfere with other countries' political processes; but it's also made it harder for dictators to control their subjects.

    On the other hand, we each have a free choice to use Facebook or Twitter - I refuse both.

    We are each free to live our lives without a so-called "smart" phone glued to hand or ear and switched on day and night - I gave up using my "smart" phone after only a few weeks and had it unlocked, and my modest portable phone spends far more time off than on. 

    Those who are addicted to the digital "Koolaid" are so by their own choice and actions.

    Even so, I do agree with you that the worst of the Koolaid is not doing society any good at all.
      January 19, 2019 2:46 PM MST