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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Do you keep promises made FOR you by another? Wouldn't that be quite absurd? Why SHOULD Mexico keep a promise made by ultimatum boy?

Do you keep promises made FOR you by another? Wouldn't that be quite absurd? Why SHOULD Mexico keep a promise made by ultimatum boy?


Bulls**. The ultimatum boy was caught in a telecon with the Mexican prez asking him to "play along" just so ultimatum boy could save face. Of course the Mexican prez REFUSED to play along with such an absurd statement. Those of you who truly believe that one person can make promises for another are irrational. How would you like someone to promise FOR YOU anything without your permission? That would take a really stupid dumb person to try to fulfill such promise and well while your ultimatum boy isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer other country's leaders are. SIGH.

Posted - January 10, 2019
