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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Typical! The Putin puppet STIFFS FOLKS HE OWE MONEY TO AGAIN! At least I think that's true. Is it?

Typical! The Putin puppet STIFFS FOLKS HE OWE MONEY TO AGAIN! At least I think that's true. Is it?

My understanding is that all federal gubment employees will "eventually" get paid whatever they are owed. BUT that all independent contractors/subcontractors WON'T! So whatever work they did that was not already paid for  they will have to eat just like the Putin puppet pulled on the folks who did work for him when he was a civilian real estate thief. His track record shows what he is. A cheapskate deadbeat who stiffs folks. Well he sure as he** hasn't changed. He is still a cheapskate deadbeat only now he has way too much power and uses it viciously violently vilely and well how can anything like that end well? Poor saps. They believed in the INTEGRITY of the United States of America to pay its bills in timely fashion. Now they know with a cheapskate deadbeat who is all-powerful they were wrong. If they ever do business with the Putin puppet again they are majorly bigly stupid dumb. If someone does it to you once you be certain he will do it to you again and again and again and again.

Posted - January 17, 2019


  • 34982
    BS, anyone who has done work will be paid. But a contractor is not continuing to work for the gov. They should have other work for other clients to do at this time. They would have known it was possible so as a smart business person they should have been prepared. 
    I have a business, I prepare for every possible outcome. I do not have income for 3 months each year because of the seasonality of my location. As a business owner it is your job to prepare.
      January 17, 2019 5:00 AM MST