Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» A wall! A wall! His kingdom for a wall! Would y'all follow his lead and jeopardize your kingdom/country for a wall? How tall a wall?
It does if you want it to Ritesh but actually if you look at it macroscopically it pertains to life itself and what we think matters most. A wall can be a metaphor for anything you wish. Say a promotion at work. It's so important to you that you suck up to the boss to get it. You jeopardize your integrity (which really is all the kingdom you can ever own on your own) to get a promotion. Was it worth it? Or you betray someone because you are envious/jealous and want to undermine the person. Once again you relinquish your integrity and honor for that ignoble purpose. The question is this. Is what you are willing to do and become worth whatever it is you lust for? We all have to answer that question however it applies to us. I would not give up honesty or integrity for anything or anyone. Doing so for a WALL? How absurdly ridiculous that would be. Same as if were a gold digger and slept with obnoxious men to get ahead. Many gals do. It's your choice. Is there a "wall" in your life that you'd throw away your reputation for? Did I answer your implied question? Thank you for your response. I'm going to ask the question.