Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "To the victor belong the spoils". "What are we doing there what do we get out of this why don't we take the oil?" Per?

"To the victor belong the spoils". "What are we doing there what do we get out of this why don't we take the oil?" Per?

Your very own puppet boy has been obsessed and distressed that we didn't take possession  of Iraq's oil fields. He said we spent trillions there and lost lives and we got nothing out of it. So Venezuela next only this time puppet boy will take the oil? He is not used to being denied anything. You don't deny him anything he wants do you? Why would you? He is always right about everything all the time and has never made a mistake. Right? On to the war so we can get our hands on the spoils which is/are oil.

Posted - January 28, 2019
