Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The puppet boy sez "BUY AMERICAN HIRE AMERICAN". His TRUMP products are manufactured in foreign countries. Just fired 11 illegals. WHAT?

The puppet boy sez "BUY AMERICAN HIRE AMERICAN". His TRUMP products are manufactured in foreign countries. Just fired 11 illegals. WHAT?

The illegals were working at a golf club the puppet boy owns for years and said the people there KNEW they will illegal. So he hires the cheapest labor and has his Trump brand stuff made in foreign countries as cheaply as possible and he still gloats and promotes America First. What a buncha baloney! Worst part is y'all believe him don'tcha? Y'all believe he puts America first don'tcha? Positive proof notwithstanding you continue to believe whatever it is he tells ya. No wonder he has contempt for your thought processes. No wonder he says y'all will stick by him even if he goes out into the street and shoots someone. Y'all think that's a compliment don'tcha? It isn't.

Posted - January 28, 2019


  • 10780
    This guy is a bad magician.  He expects everyone to watch him pull a rabbit out of a hat and be amazed.  Yet he puts up bright neon signs and arrows pointing to his long sleeved jacket.  ["no, no witch the hat.  Don't watch my little hands, watch my hat.  Why isn't anyone watching my hat?"]

    Actions speak louder than words.  We've heard this spoken since we were youngsters.  Yet time and time again we fall for smooth words.  The Wizard promises us great things, but all the while he's merely an frail imposter behind a curtain.

    Our prez only cares about 2 things - himself and money.  Everything he does is for self flattery or to make himself money.  "Make america great again" (for me, that is, not you guys).
      January 28, 2019 11:19 AM MST

  • 113301
    Nancy Pelosi wonders what Putin has on him? It must be dastardly dirty and dire for him to submit to being a puppet boy of a hostile FOREIGN ENEMY. Dire and direr and the direst. My imagination runs wild and it has to do with a 'golden shower" and gets worse from there. But that is part of your 2 things m'dear. HIMSELF he cares about most of all and he doesn't want the truth Putin knows and holds over him to slip out. He doesn't mind being a traitor or committing treason. He will do and say anything to keep Putin  happy and at bay and has done it is doing it and will continue to do it. I wonder how Melania can stand holding hands with him which I notice she is doing regularly now. That nasty hand that has been playing in so much dirt and degradation? Different strokes. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. It's gonna get a whole lot worse before it starts getting better. But you already know that.   :) This post was edited by RosieG at January 29, 2019 9:41 AM MST
      January 29, 2019 4:09 AM MST