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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The person I was and the person I remain is the change. OR I'm NOT the same person I used to be. Which of those is true for thee?

The person I was and the person I remain is the change. OR I'm NOT the same person I used to be. Which of those is true for thee?

Posted - February 3, 2019


  • 10778

    I still see myself as being the same person I've always been.  The only thing that's really changed is that reflection I see in the mirror each morning.   I’m still that same 4-year old boy who, on a dark December night,  sang his own little parody of the '12-days of Christmas', instead of singing it the “correct” way like he was supposed to…much to the chagrin of his mother and the anger of his siblings.  However, in the (well over) half-century since that little boy sang about “free French hens”, I have learned many things.  No, my personality hasn’t changed.  I’m still the same quiet, introverted perfectionist I’ve always been (from day one).  What has changed is how I view and react to “life”.  For example, I’ve learned when to be serious and when to inject humor (although I still don’t always get it right).   I learned this by trial and error.  Many of those “errors” were, shall we say, somewhat painful at the time (my parents did not “spare the rod and spoil the child”).  As I grew, I learned more and more.  Each of these lessons “changed” me by pointing me in a different direction than I would have gone without them.  Of course, not all those “changes” were for the good.

    Each “change” (course correction?) in my life has “altered” me (either physically or mentally – the way I think).  Most times these changes were negligible, but some were “life altering”.  For example, getting married is really life altering.  One is definitely not the same “person" they were when they were single as they are a year after they’ve been married (even more so after kids come long).   While I never had the opportunity to personally experience that particular event, I have experienced many other events that have shaped me into the person I am today.  With each of those “alterations”, I changed.  If you were to compare that 4-year old boy to the person I am today (provided we both had equal scholarly abilities), they would not be the same person… and yet they would be.

      February 3, 2019 3:51 PM MST

  • 113301
    I totally get that Shuhak. I can relate. I was a painfully shy as child. I also LOVED school. I skipped a couple of grades in grammar school and that exacerbated my problem. The kids thought I was a weirdo. I expect lots of people still view me that way. I think maybe they thought I was aloof. I was just very shy. It lasted through grammar school and high school. Here's the kicker. I was voted 'most sophisticated" in my senior year by my fellow classmates! Can you imagine that? I think they didn't have a clue about the meaning of the word. Ever look it up? Sophisticated my a**!  "Worldly -wise. Not naive"! What a laugh! I've been a loner my entire life. By choice or by temperament or by how others viewed me. I don't know. I would stay silent in class unless I was called on to speak. I did well on tests. Always did my homework. I excelled in school. Making me more of an oddball. Somewhere along the line I figured out I was Okay the way I was. I accepted my weirdness or oddballness and stopped worrying about it and just went with it. I am not everyone's cuppa tea. I click with some folks and don't with others. Probably more than most. I think being able to accept yourself as you are and stop trying to become what others would prefer you to be is a huge accomplishment. Popularity was never a goal. I don't have the "right stuff" to be that. Acceptance is swell. Being left alone is also swell if the alternative is constant insult/attack. Who needs that? So you find a niche that is comfy if you're lucky. Sometimes you encounter folks who are similarly wired and it's easy peasy to communicate with them. Sometimes you encounter folks who aren't wired the same way but they don't mind you being that way. It doesn't annoy them or enrage them or drive them bonkers. Maybe life is filled with landmines and we either learn to avoid them or they blow us up. Can you see landmines or are they always buried so you can't? I'm gonna ask.  Thank you for your thoughtful answer Shuhak. So you've never been married then? From my vantage point I think it's a loss to whomever would have been your mate. I think you're great!  I was married more than once and was single for 20 years and then Jim just dropped into my life when I was almost 60! So ya never know. It's never too late as long as you are breathing! If we had our lives to live over how would we change them? I'm gonna ask! Happy Monday my friend! :)
      February 4, 2019 1:39 AM MST

  • 10778
    Ou sound a lot like me.  I used to love school (leaning), but I too was very shy... and was bullied for it.  This eventually caused me to hate school. They tried to skip me a grade as well, but thanks to my lousy coordination, they nixed the idea and put me in "accelerated programs" instead (in those days that meant being in a mixed grade class).  I graduated highschool with straight A's.  Any homework I had I did in other classes, but mostly I sat in classes and wrote stories.  (I know, I know.. if I'd only applied myself I could have been another Einstein).  I was a loner through school as no one wanted to be around the shy weirdo.  I've always had zero social skills and my shyness never left me.  Yep, I come off as aloof as well.  However, those few who got to know me and understand who and what I really am were always quite surprised.  
    No, I've never had the privilege of being married (desired, yes).  I never "clicked" with the ladies.  Most wanted a"macho", tough man.. not a nerd. Oh, well.
      February 4, 2019 10:19 AM MST

  • 113301
    Well m'dear that certainly explains WHY we clicked immediately. We have traveled similar paths in life and we end up here! Who wouldda thunk it? So we are reaching out by being here. But from the safety of our homes. The good thing here is that we are in COMPLETE CONTROL. We show up when we want. Stay as long as we want. Engage with those we enjoy. Don't have to get permission from anyone for anything. We leave when we want. What could be perfecter than that? I always know where the nearest exit is and I always planted myself close by it. NEVER wanted to be in the middle of a row in any theater and have to go over strange knees saying "excuse me excuse me excuse me". I'd feel TRAPPED. Always sat on the aisle. Usually the left side. Toward the back for quick exit. Thank you for sharing whom you are m'dear. I kinda figgered out that we were  quite alike. Not so bad a path to travel actually is it and when you find someone on it who understands you because he/she has had similar experiences then...WOW! Lucky maybe or just the way it is.  :)
      February 4, 2019 11:14 AM MST

  • 10778
    Yep, me too.  I always sit in the very back or on the outside aisle.  If I feel trapped I have an anxiety attack (which can turn into a panic attack...which isn't pretty).  At church, I sit in the very back (in the far corner).  When it's over i'm almost always the first one outside the front door.   It's hard to explain why to others there's they can't understand.
      February 4, 2019 3:07 PM MST