As for me my son and I would on occasion meander around a local college campus. We'd search for unusual leaves to take home as mementos of our time spent there. Sometimes we'd go into a building and look inside an empty classroom. Venture inside and walk around absorbing the environment. My son never questioned it. He was a very easy kid to be with. Few complaints. We'd read some of the bulletins on the boards posted around the campus informing students of upcoming events. We did that on the UCLA campus a couple times(he got his Ph.d there) and also at CSUN..Cal State Northridge which was very close to the apartment we lived in at the time. Well what is the point of that story you ask? My son is a college professor today. Very happy in his chosen career. Now would he be that if I had not done that? Who knows? Who can say? But what did it hurt to do that? So to what did you expose your children in hopes that some of it would sink in, rub off? Taught them to read before they started school? Took them to the library as a weekly treat? Made learning about things fun? How?