Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» WHAT IF Fred Trump hadn't married an IMMIGRANT from Scotland but married an AMERICAN CITIZEN? Would there still be a donald?
What a SPLENDID what if m'dear! Really splendid. I love that idea a whole bunch. If we could just reverse back to that then and make it be so! I have nothing against the Scottish people. I loved the movie BRIGADOON! And Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers singing Highland Fling. And Finian's Rainbow which I'm pretty sure was set in Scotland. I think "How are things in Glocca Mora" sounds more Scot than Brit. I'm not a fan of Scotch Whisky but I love bagpipes and plaids and the accent! Thank you for your reply Walt. I shall contemplate what might have been had your WHAT IF been! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at February 6, 2019 2:02 PM MST
You sure are an interesting guy m'dear! So the Romans were the first bagpipers then? And before that in the middle east and africa? I wonder why in the today world they are not associated with Italy or Saudi Arabia or South Africa? Anyway I'm glad the Scots took to them. I was about 14 and we were at our favorite place at Laguna Beach. My family and their friends did that during the summer a lot. I'd go off by myself as is my wont and sat on a large rock and just would look out at the horizon and wonder what was beyond? Then I heard something strange. BAGPIPES! Seriously. I looked around to see if I could locate the source and high up on a cliff overlooking the beach a few hundred feet away was a guy playing the bagpipes. He walked up and down and up and down as he played. I figured it was the only place he could safely practice without bothering people. It was MAGICAL. I don't know how long it lasted...maybe half an hour. maybe 15 minutes....and then he was gone. I remember that so vividly. The sounds of the pipes floating in the air so pure and clear and close at hand. A once-in-a-lifetime experience for sure. But I digress. Or maybe I didn't! That link about the PTSD for war service dogs was splendid but so very sad. War is sad for everyone involved including the canine soldiers. SIGH. Thanks again for that Walt. I appreciate it very much! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at February 6, 2019 2:33 PM MST
I always wondered who the first bagpiper was. What person thought up the idea to jam sticks in a stomach, blow air into one of them, and use it to play music? Isn't that a weird idea?!? And then other people thought: "Hey, he's onto something. I want one of those."
I also wonder if it was the same inventor who came up with the idea of making water bags out of stomachs. I mean, did somebody cut an animal open - see the stomach - and think: "I bet I can do a lot with THIS." ? Or was it an accident? Like somebody set the stomach aside, and somebody accidentally sat on it? Like a prehistoric whoopie cushion?
I hear ya m'dear! Loud and clear! Since I'm a foodie I wonder who figured out that roasting, grinding and making a drink out of hard bitter beans would lead to coffee? I'm drinking my first of two cups right now. Or working with cocoa beans and grinding them and turning them into a drink like cocoa or a candy like chocolate truffles? Who discovered yeast and made the first bread that didn't taste like shoeleather and was light and airy? Or the first cake? I guess it evolved over centuries or thousands of years but who was so persistent and stubborn as to keep trying different ways to make a thing edible or drinkable? Or watch birds fly and figure out a way for humans to fly in wooden contraptions and keep improving it until you get a STEALTH plane? It is mind-boggling. Would LOVE to be able to trace the thought patterns of such brains and see what led to what which led to something else which led to another thing entirely? Inventive. Creative. Imaginative. Where would we be without those folks to trail blaze for us? I think I'm gonna ask Walt. Thank you for your thoughtful reply and Happy Thursday! :)