To look younger than you really are. No one wants to get old or look old or be thought of as old. Well I don't mind it all. I tell folks how old I am. I don't dye or have anything cut and fixed. I yam what I yam. So I'm nor your typical fear-of-looking-old human being.
So you dye your hair. You wear wigs. You get your winkles removed. You Botox. You exercise to get "fit". You dress young. The person you used to be disappears and become the person you perfer to be. So is that other person dead forever? Is the new you the new and improved version that makes you happier? How are you better for it? Are you kinder nicer sweeter more considerate? Or is all the fix on the outside and inside you are still the same you. Well if it makes you happy and doesn't harm anyone whose business is it but yours?