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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Like any communicable disease we need to quarantine the gasbag. Isolate him. Place him in suspended animation. Where?

Like any communicable disease we need to quarantine the gasbag. Isolate him. Place him in suspended animation. Where?

Every day he is out and about the threat grows greater and larger and worser. Let him be suspended in the place he loves most..his bed. Let him eat all the cheeseburgers and chocolate cake and watch all the tv he wants. NO TWEETING though. No phone calls. No communicating with the outside world from him. He can keep up with what is going down going on going up but will be unable to reach out and touch anyone in any way for any reason. For as long as it takes. He should love that! 24/7 EXECUTIVE TIME! What could be gooder than that for a guy who is ADDICTED to watching Faux TV, eating and lazing about? Remember he is NOT a fan of exercise because it takes too much energy.

Posted - February 16, 2019
