right now i work in maintenance. i do cleaning in a big building at downtown. i pass the vaccuum cleaner and such . it is mostly physical. not everyone has the mental to work in cleaning . it need a good mental to do your job well
One of the nicest people I ever met in my whole entire life was a maintenance man whose name was Joe. He'd come in at 5pm and I usually would leave about 5:30 pm. So we'd chat a bit every day. He was very kind and thoughtful and I told him a little bit about my life and he told me a little bit about his. One day around the holidays he asked where I lived. Said he wanted to bring me something but not give it to me at work. I told him where I lived and then forgot about it. Maybe a week later the doorbell rang. We had an intercom where we could find out who it was who rang the bell. It was Joe and he said he was downstairs and could I please come down? So I did. What he had was a HUGE tray of food his wife had made! They were Mexican and I told him how much I ADORED tamales. Well on that tray were his wife's tamales but also Mexican sweets and other Mexican foods. I mean it was huge. I was floored. He said he had told his wife about me and she wanted to thank me for being so nice to her husband. I will never forget that. Ever. Never ever. I just wanted to share that with you franc. The job you do is important. It is valuable and useful. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday! :)
I worked graveyard for two weeks doing maintenance - cleaning office bathrooms and vacuuming the office at one of the Xerox and Spreckles locations. I only took the job, because I was laid off, and this offer fell into my lap, and I was desperate. We hadn't been married a year, and we were struggling with rent and food. The job was difficult, because I wasn't used to graveyard hours and cleaning office bathrooms - women are disgusting pigs. I dreaded having to clean up after them, so I always began with men's bathrooms. I was quite surprised at how much neater men were. After two weeks though I was done, so I quit and I think I started working for Clorox in the kitchen, which wasn't much better. It was a day job though, so I was happier, although I had to walk over a mile to and from work everyday after being on my feet all day, because we only had one car at the time. Champagne problems, I know.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 18, 2019 3:30 AM MST
I hate to be the one to tell you this sweetie but men can be disgusting pigs too vis a vis cleanliness. Setting that aside my dad used to work graveyard hours. Not the most fun thing. At the time you experienced and endured that you certainly weren't drinking champagne. But I get your point. 3rd world problems are when you live in a war zone and try to stay alive. I'm guessing those experiences helped you appreciate what some people have to go through their entire lives. Makes you a bit kinder perhaps? Also provides you the contrast so that your life today you can appreciate more. Thank you for your thoughtful and information-filled reply BA. I never experienced that kind of hardship. I was lucky! :)
It wasn't really hard, but it was tedious and BORING. One time when I was between jobs, I did inventory for a company that went from business to business auditing/counting their inventory. The last place I worked was a record/CD store. We had to count each and every one of their CD's. As we were counting them, the store employees would verify our count. Needless to say, the counts often didn't jive .. so we had to count them over and over again. BORING!! We also worked for grocery stores .. and could be sticking our heads into freezers and up on high shelves, etc. counting ALL of their merchandise. BORING again!
Imagine if you had to do that for your entire working life Mrs. C! Now I had a job in which we took inventory once at year at the McDonnell Douglas facility in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I was an internal auditor for the company in Los Angeles for which I worked at the time and McDonnell Douglas was a subcontractor. We did a physical count of what we OWNED in their facility and I always enjoyed it. There were tiny little parts like ball bearings that you didn't count..you weighed them on a scale. I'd co-opt a few of the local employees to help out and then after we did the physical count and ran the numbers I'd have to reconcile what our computer records showed was there with what we counted. There was rarely "shrinkage". We were counting parts used to re-engine DC8's. Who is gonna steal those? Now when I worked for McDonald's and they took inventory there was always shrinkage(theft). Cases of cheese/meat were the biggest items. So we wrote it off. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday to thee B! :)