His employees fer shure fer shure fer shure or he'd fire their a**es. His kids? Of course. Hundreds or thousands of people all lied to protect a man who lied so much he never caught on about what truth is and how valuable it is. They are all tainted and infected and ruined reputationally. It seems that even the hapless Sean Spicer lied to protect the don. And that "acting" AG Matt Whitaker who swore to Congress that he never made any promises to don about anything has been contradicted by other sources who know he and the don were in collusion long-before the don appointed him to anything. That was the only reason why such a ridiculous choice was made. To protect the don. Well let's see how this William Barr fares. He described to the Senators what conspiracy consisted of and described the don's actions to a T. When push comes to shove will he too lie for the don and cover up his treasonous antics or will he man up and do the right thing? If he does the don will fire him too. The don does not like to be stood up to or questioned or challenged. The don demands absolute loyalty and sacrifice. The don has single-handedly ruined many lives but then they all were willing to be his pawns and so they get what they deserve on the chessboard of life.