It is about the arbitrary nature of prejudice, racism. A thing is true because someone says it is.
I won't bore you with the details. Here's the bottom line.
Jane Elliott, a 3rd grade teacher in Riceville, Ohio and anti-racist activist put her class through an exercise the day after Martin Luther King was assassinated.
Day One
Blue-eyed children were told they were smarter, cleaner, more civilized than the brown-eyed. All day in that class the blue eyes were the superior ones and the brown eyes were the defective ones.
Day Tw0
Brown-eyed children were now the smarter, cleaner, more civilized and the blue eyes were the inferiors .
The superiors got more play time and extra privileges. I believe the inferiors had to wear collars and when the inferiors became the superiors the next day they removed their collars and placed them around the necks of their replacements.
Racism based on eye color not skin color. Arbitrary. Just because someone in power (in this case the teacher) SAID SO.
So whatddya think of THAT? Are your prejudices based on something someone said that you believe to be true? Seriously? Well then shame on you.