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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If we pay reparations to African Americans for slavery we must pay reparations to Japanese American citizens for internment camps. RIGHT?

If we pay reparations to African Americans for slavery we must pay reparations to Japanese American citizens for internment camps. RIGHT?

We took them out of their homes and forced them to live in internment camps after Pearl Harbor. What did they do that was criminal/wrong? NOTHING. That did not matter. The families were taken from their homes and locked up in camps scattered around the country. We ALSO owe reparations to Native Americans for taking their lands. We also owe reparations  to the families of those young black UNARMED men who were murdered for being  black by cops. We owe reparations to all the folks the gubment used for experiments during whenever for whatever. Throwaway people who were expendable. You think I'm joking? I AM NOT. I AM DEADLY SERIOUS!

Little donny dingbat gave $1.5 TRILLION in WELFARE which he called "tax breaks" to the obscenely wealthy. What were we reparating them for? Being obscenely wealthy? Of course. It is such a burden isn't it? Bah Humbug!

Posted - February 25, 2019


  • 34974
    Any politician who runs on reparations will lose. So that eliminates Harris and Warren. Maybe others?
      February 25, 2019 10:09 AM MST

  • 46117
    I think we all should call this stuff A WASH

    Let's not pay anything back that was done years ago in ages past.

    Let's just move on and not do this stuff anymore.  It is a lot less expensive.

    We have been harmed aplenty by others and we have caused harm.

    Let's move forward.  Let's progress.  BUT MOST OF ALL...  LET'S DRAIN THE POCKETBOOKS OF THE THEIVING RICH.

      February 25, 2019 10:10 AM MST

  • 113301
    So they should just roll over and move on then? Thank you for your reply Sharon.
      February 25, 2019 11:45 AM MST

  • 6023
    President Reagan signed into law the Civil Liberties Act of 1988.

    The act granted each surviving internee about US $20,000 in compensation (or, $40,000 after inflation-adjustment in 2016 dollars), with payments beginning in 1990. The legislation stated that government actions were based on "race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership" as opposed to legitimate security reasons.  A total of 82,219 received redress checks.

    Because the law was restricted to American citizens, or legal permanent residents, the ethnic Japanese that had been taken from their homes in Latin America (mostly from Peru), were not covered in the reparations, and regardless of whether they remained in the United States, returned to Latin America, or were deported to Japan after the war. In 1996, Carmen Mochizuki filed a class-action lawsuit, and won a settlement of around $5,000 per person to those eligible from what was left of the funds from the CLA. One hundred forty-five of those affected were able to receive the $5,000 settlement before the funds ran out. In 1999, funds were approved for the attorney general to pay out to the rest of the claimants.

    Of course, one could rightly claim the money isn't enough ... but what amount would be?
    I'd say a lifetime, tax-free income, annually adjusted for inflation.  Starting at the average wage of the neighborhood where they had lived, prior to being taken for internment.
      February 25, 2019 10:56 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply Walt and the info contained therein. There is no statute of limitations on gubment cruelty. A gubment will get away with whatever the people allow it to. And the people roll over, look the other way, say nothing, hope no one is targeting them, and move on. No skin of their nose. Not their problem. SIGH. And so it goes. This post was edited by RosieG at February 25, 2019 11:50 AM MST
      February 25, 2019 11:47 AM MST