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Do "escape rooms" seem like they would be a fun way to spend your time?

Anyone ever partaken in this semi-new popular form of entertainment?

Posted - February 26, 2019


  • They could be a lot of fun.  I haven't done it .. but it would be interesting to see if you could beat the clock and get out!
      February 26, 2019 2:29 PM MST

  • 8276
    I think it might be fun, as long as they let you out if you can't get out on your own.  hahahaha
      February 26, 2019 3:19 PM MST

  • 11583
    Just the idea of it gives me anxiety. No, thanks.
      February 26, 2019 4:24 PM MST

  • 17
    Not to me!  Also, I used to hate the cornstalk mazes when I was younger.  Creepy.
      February 26, 2019 4:47 PM MST

  • 1713
    What are those? Are they like a Saw kinda thing? I never liked those movies..
      February 26, 2019 6:34 PM MST

  • Yes, I have done a few with groups of friends, they are pretty fun. The only negative is when they are too difficult; you spend a lot of time standing around not getting anywhere. Most allow you to ask for hints, but it sucks when you have to ask for several. The more fun ones were the moderately difficult ones that we could solve on our own. 
      February 26, 2019 11:10 PM MST

  • 10052

    I once narrowly escaped being forced to participate. Not a fun activity for anyone with claustrophobia! 
      March 1, 2019 8:41 AM MST

  • 7939
    Oh my gosh yes. For my last two birthdays, all I've asked for is for one of my friends or family members to go with me. It hasn't happened yet. :/ I really want to do a murder mystery dinner thing too.
      March 1, 2019 8:44 AM MST

  • I'm curious about trying one as well, lol...I know someone whose daughter actually runs a business that does the escape rooms.  I keep meaning to look into going to do it.  I'd rather do the murder mystery dinner thing though....sounds like it would be something right out of Clue, haha. 
      March 1, 2019 9:40 AM MST

  • 46117
    My house is my escape room.  It is the most important thing I own and I would give up everything I own to keep it.

    It is my everything.  My house.

    P.s.  This in no way looks like my house.

      March 1, 2019 9:50 AM MST