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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Do you have predictable mind? Do you always know where it is going to go 24/7? Does it obey you? Has it ever strayed?

Do you have predictable mind? Do you always know where it is going to go 24/7? Does it obey you? Has it ever strayed?

I have NO IDEA how or why my mind works the way it does. None. I never know where it is going to take me and it often surprises me. Maybe it is the bad child in me because I was a very good little girl. Never got into any trouble. Too afraid of having my parents be angry with me. I couldn't stand disappointing them so I tried very hard not to do so. Didn't always succeed. But I always tried. Now I don't try at all. I just let 'er rip and it goes wherever it wants to go and I have to han on very tight sometimes. Willful headstrong obstinate.. SIGH. What kind of mind/brain do you have and are you ALWAYS in control or does it sometimes control YOU?

Posted - February 28, 2019
