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Randy D
Element 99
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » PECULIAR.None of the trumpican attack dogs in the House DEFENDED don at all. They only ATTACKED Cohen.Ya know why?

PECULIAR.None of the trumpican attack dogs in the House DEFENDED don at all. They only ATTACKED Cohen.Ya know why?

Cuz there is no defense for all don done. None. So they didn't bother going there. Now that should pi** don off bigly and he should make their lives a miserable he** and tweet rants about them 24/7 so they will leave. Right? Not defending him against an accuser means THEY BELIEVE THE ACCUSATIONS! Silence implies ASSENT. Boy did they ever blow it bigly. The don will watch all the tapes of all the attack dogs and take names.

Posted - February 28, 2019


  • 6098
    No defense is required for anything that doesn't need defending!  Silence implies rather that they are above such silly and totally partisan games.  For which I say more power to them. 
      February 28, 2019 7:42 AM MST

  • 19937
    No, you just can't defend the indefensible and they know it.
      February 28, 2019 8:47 AM MST