So much for "Conservative" views on spending.
So much for the so-called concern about big government
So much for the horrors they felt about President Obama's Executive Decision making
All of that was the usual DOG & PONY show play-acted for effect. Grand political posturing. Now that TTCF is in charge whatever they want they get. No brakes. NO admonishments. No reminders of what is most important. No nothing. Just bobblehead vertically and roll over horizontally as you whimper quietly and do what you are told. It is a very ugly sight. Like HOLY ROLLERS. All shouting unintelliglble GIBBERISH and frothing at the mouth like mad dogs do when they are infected with disease! Alas. Too bad. They've all gone mad. You don't obey and you get threatened. That's the way TTCF operates. You either are with them or they will take you out in any way they can.