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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » So now we are informed that TWO DAYS after little donny d left his bigshot meeting with Kim in Viet Nam guess what l'il Kim did?

So now we are informed that TWO DAYS after little donny d left his bigshot meeting with Kim in Viet Nam guess what l'il Kim did?

Surveillance photos show activity at a temporarily dormant site. Why is that lovable sweet docile l'il Kim REBUILDING A DORMANT NUCLEAR TEST SITE  to test the nuclear weapons he is currently working on? No it cannot be. Little donny d sez Kim promised him no more tests and he TRUSTS Kim. He also BELIEVES Kim when he sez he knew northing about the torture of Otto Warmbier who died after his "vegetable" body ws returned to the US. His dad called him a "vegetable". Not me. After all little donny d sez he and Kim "fell in love" and well a lover isn't about to break his word izzy? You don't LIE to a lover do ya?

So we wait and see. It is said that these next weapons testing will be for long-range nuclear weapons...ya know the ones that will reach Hawaii and entire west coast?. How far inland on the Continental US they will go I don't know. Do you? Is it possible that nuclear weapons released in North Korea could reach say New York City or better yet Washington, D.C. when little donny d, aka "the president" is in residence? I dunno. Do you?

Posted - March 7, 2019
