Putin's. At the first summit that was a gift little donny d gave to Kim at the suggestion of Putin. A bargaining chip so that Kim would denuclearize. What Kim wants is sanctions removal. That is what he wanted at the second summit. Why little donny d didn't give him that I don't know. Wonder if he asked Putin what he should do before little donny d met with Kim in Viet Nam? At any rate little donny d listens to Vlad and does his bidding obediently. SIGH. Geez. I wonder what else Vlad will direct him to do? Meanwhile little donny d looks and sounds like a very angry FAILURE. Because he is. A wounded animal. An inept impotent incoherent inane wannabe. He wants so much to be like Vlad and Kim and all the other despot dictators but he doesn't have the right stuff. He will always be a failed wannabe. I hope we survive him. What happens to his family when he goes down? Also we all know that KIM WILL NEVER DENUCLEARIZE. That is what got him in the spotlight on center stage with little donny d obsequiously fawning over him. The nuclear weapons he was having developed in his country never stopped or slowed down nor will they. You cannot be a player without them ya know and Kim is a player bigtime now thanks to hapless witless little donny d.. D'ya really think Kim will ever give that up? Do you really think he as stupid dumb as little donny d? Are you NUTS?