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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Would you sign a document/take an oath/pledge to remain the exact same person you are today FOREVER? How could you guarantee that?

Would you sign a document/take an oath/pledge to remain the exact same person you are today FOREVER? How could you guarantee that?

Why on earth would you sign anything or pledge anything that you cannot possibly GUARANTEE would last until you die? How do you know what will happen in your life that will change you? Oaths and pledges are worthless. You don't need to be married (an oath/pledge) to remain faithful. Everyone knows that. A piece of paper is so much ground up tree. That's all it is or ever will be. It means nothing if the people involved are liars or wanton promiscuous LIAR dingbats.

Posted - March 9, 2019


  • 46117
    You got MARRIED didn't ya? 

    Same deal.  There is no pledge that Bernie is asked to sign that makes him feel anything forever.  This is just to let America know where Bernie stands and I think it is good for Bernie as well. Americans are STUPID.
      March 9, 2019 7:24 AM MST

  • 113301
    What marriage did you ever enter wherein you promised to remain the same exact person you were on the day you married? I never did. People change and grow ...hopefully together but sometimes they part ways to go on different paths. What marrige vows promise to never have sex outside the marriage ever? What marriage vows say "I will love you forever"? Now the vows do talk about "until death do us part". How many married folks who say the vows take that seriously? If they did there would be no divorce and a lot of miserable people all of whom would be sleeping around with anything that breathed. Divorcing ameliorates/mitigates. It is the only way to maintain one's honor and integrity. I wonder how many trumpicans cheat in their marriages? We know little donny dingbat done did so and they all adore admire worship love him...including WOMEN for goodness sakes! What they are made up of intellectually emotionally spiritually I have no clue. Worshipping a lying cheating cruel coldhearted traitor takes a lot of something or a bigly lack of something. Whatever. Thank you for your reply Sharon. We differ. Matters not at all. This post was edited by RosieG at March 10, 2019 4:56 AM MDT
      March 10, 2019 4:54 AM MDT