Quite a few colleges were involved. The details are fuzzy. The story just broke. Allegedly someone on the inside said the kid was a sports recruit ....tennis or swimming or some second-tier sport. All told $25 million dollars were paid by the cheating parents to get their kids into choice colleges. Among them are USC, UCLA. It involved many people lying and cheating. No one paid attention to whether the kids showed up and perfomed the sport except the coaches who were in on it and they covered it up. Kids got admitted into college and there was no tracking. How it got uncovered or blown is yet to be determined. Just another example of RICH PEOPLE buying their kids way into or out of something. INTO college or bonespurring their way OUT OF MILITARY SERVICE. Aren't they all royally DISGUSTING?
How sad that education is also infected with this ugly RICH PEOPLE'S disease. It teaches kids if you can't get what you want honorably because you suck and just aren't good enough just pay big bucks lie and cheat your way to heaven. Reprehensible corrupt criminal idiot parents. How crippled are their kids? What else is going on that is so ugly among the rich and famous that is unethical and dishonorable? I think we're gonna find out.