Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Those "who have a greater appreciation for what it means to be an American citizen" are more patriotic than those who don't! Agree/dis?
Pretty much, yeah. I don't see how you can be someone who doesn't appreciate, someone who thinks the world owes them a living, being any kind of a patriot. They take up space; that is all. But if they are sheltered and have no idea that they SHOULD be patriotic and have not been shown gratitude and how it makes a person's life worth living? I pity those people. It takes a lot out of the quality of their existence when they cannot appreciate something of such value.
I'm in love with whomever it was that did this Sharon and I know Jim wouldn't mind! This is superbly nifty and beyond. Wonder what the HMO did to retaliate? Blow up his house? Thank you for your reply and this graphic! :)
I thing an immigrant understands what it is like not to have some of the guaranteed rights in the USA that they did not have in their original country.
But the ones I know personally also still had a loyalty to their home country. So no, that is not more patriotic.
What about the ones you personally DO NOT KNOW? My naturalized citizen father did 3 tours as a Marine in WW1! PROUDLY SERVED HIS COUNTRY IN THE MILITARY! Cowardly Liddle donny d lyingly bonespurred his way out of serving his country in the military. Which of them is the patriot here m2c? Which one would you KNOW would die for you without thinking twice? The rich spoiled natural-born obscenely wealthy COWARDLY homo sap or my father? There is only one RIGHT answer to this question. Thank you for your reply. I am FIRST GENERATION AMERICAN. What are you? How many centuries ago did your people come here? Just wondering what you could possibly know about appreciating being an American citizen never having lived elsewhere?.
This post was edited by RosieG at March 13, 2019 5:38 AM MDT
Did he still have loyalty to Armenia? He was certainly patriotic to serve in the military. Are people only considered patriotic if they enlist in the military?
I am both a 3rd and 4th gen American. Not that that matters in terms of patriotism.
This post was edited by my2cents at March 13, 2019 5:45 AM MDT