Apparently it is appropos of now, yesterday and forever futurely.
Rich people can buy their kids out of military service by LYING
Rich people can buy their kids into elite schools by LYING thereby depriving students who deserve to be that a shot at getting.
No surprise. Rich people BELIEVE they are special and deserve more. Greedy needy ignoble dishonorable people allow themselves to bought by the wealthy to give the edge as they walk over anyone who gets in the way.
It is the way of the world. The rich are different from you and me. They are spoiled. They are selfish. They are cruel. They are dishonorable. They are friggin cheatrers and liars and scumbums.
All of them? Certainly not. A lot of them? You bet your a**!
I am very sad that it happens in education. I KNOW if an obscenely wealth person buys a building on a university campus with his name on it the kid gets's called a Legacy but it is actually extortionl The rich can afford it. No problem