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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "US life expectancy is expected decline for the 3rd straight year". Liddle donny d is in his 3rd year as prez. You do the math. Well?

"US life expectancy is expected decline for the 3rd straight year". Liddle donny d is in his 3rd year as prez. You do the math. Well?

Posted - March 14, 2019


  • 46117
    Pray that liddle Pencie expires first.  

      March 14, 2019 1:49 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Well that would make Nancy Pelosi prez. That would be amazing! Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)
      March 15, 2019 1:54 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Not unless you link Trump to the opioid epidemic, bad health choices, and severe flu season.

    The US isn't the only nation experiencing the decline:
      March 14, 2019 2:05 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You know Walt my entire life I have looked for connections. How does x relate to y? Does z play a part in it? What if abc and  xyz came from the same family? Similarities. My cuppa tea. I notice things and talk about them. I ask the question because it occurs to me. Whether connections I see are inadvertent immaterial or substantive doesn't really matter. I see what I see and think what think. Do you not also look for connections among disparate things? Now a man who has chipped away at the AHCA since he took office. A man who is cutting $2.7 trillion from the domestic budget including all social welfare programs. Do you really see no connection in more people dying from lack of care on his watch? Then your brain and my brain do not think alike at all. SIGH. Thank you for your reply! I think liddle donny d reek DEATH. So sue me.
      March 15, 2019 1:59 AM MDT

  • 6023
    The ACA put healthcare out of the reach of many people who had been previously covered, due to increasing premiums.
    Premiums started to come back down in the last year, but are still beyond what many poor people can afford.
    If Congress is able to "chip away" at the ACA and allow insurance companies to offer less coverage for lower prices, that should enable more poor people to afford coverage.

    But we really need to overhaul the malpractice and "network" systems, to bring costs down.
    Or we could copy the social health system in other nations that cover everybody through the government ... but that will require a massive tax increase on everybody.

    - - 
    Congress controls the purse strings.
    Even if Trump's budget gets passed, guess who is really to blame?  Congress.  
      March 15, 2019 7:16 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You know Walt I really have no clue about the AHCA. I have Medicare and my supplemental is Kaiser. I had both long before Obama was elected prez so I really don't know anything about it. I don't know how it would apply to me or even if it does through Medicare or Kaiser in some way. I know some folks love it and some complain about its high costs. What's wrong with single payer as Medicare is? Do you see any problems with that? Thank you for the wealth of info. I'm really a no-nothing outsider flying blind here.
      March 15, 2019 7:25 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Ideally ... there's no problem with a single-payer system.
    People just have to recognize it will raise taxes for everyone, to pay for it.  (I mean, unless we want to rapidly increase national debt)
    Though even with higher taxes, the cost of healthcare would be lower than it currently is.
    There are plenty of nations we could use as "templates" for our own system.
    Single-payer systems across the globe work pretty well, but their weakest point seems to be elective procedures.

    Of course, we often hear that those systems suffer long waiting periods.
    I believe this is mainly due to the global shortage of healthcare workers.
    To solve that problem, we need to "ramp up" our education system and encourage people to go into those fields.
    So we may as well overhaul our education system at the same time as our health system, and look how nations that offer "universal education" do it.

    This post was edited by Walt O'Reagun at March 15, 2019 7:49 AM MDT
      March 15, 2019 7:48 AM MDT

  • Is that like the old adage that says: Many people die in accidents within a mile of home, so the solution is to move two miles from home?
      March 15, 2019 7:20 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Hahahahahahahahahaha! Wouldja believe I never heard that one before? Or if I did I forgot? It's funny. That's what happens when you think simply and literally. Living two miles from work is a blessing most people don't enjoy. I had a job years ago where I had to travle almost 40 miles one way. Chatsworth, California to El Segundo! Getting there was no sweat. Coming home took twice as long when I was already tired and beat. Thank you for your reply DA!  :)
      March 15, 2019 7:29 AM MDT