how so?
This I gotta hear. How so? Tell me one characteristic Biden has that SOUNDS like Trump?
Biden does not pay off porn stars. Biden does not lie about how much money he has nor does he use his theft OF money to brag about how rich he is. No one cares how much money Biden has.
Biden does not put Putin over our national intelligence.
Biden does not hang with Kim Jong Un and lie about how he is dismantaling missiles.
Biden does not defend white supremacists
Biden does not imitate reporters and make fun of physical disabiilities
Biden does not collude with Russia
Shall I continue?
What is similar? Biden is not a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR. BIDEN IS DEMOCRATIC not a lying cowardly fake moron.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at March 17, 2019 8:52 AM MDT