Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We "little people"( as Leona Helmsley once described us) obey laws, follow rules. BIGSHOTS don't. Wanna be a BIGSHOT next lifetime?

We "little people"( as Leona Helmsley once described us) obey laws, follow rules. BIGSHOTS don't. Wanna be a BIGSHOT next lifetime?

BIGSHOTS believe they are above and beyond having to obey anything they don't want to. That is what wealthy buys you. Contempt disdain supercilious disregard for playing fair. So they don't.

They are two-faced
They are hypocrites

The are pro an immigration plan that "works". Legal immigrants they adore. Legal is for "the little people". The  BIGSHOTS dwell in the land of illegal cheating lying betraying. What's the use of having money if you can't right? BUT anyone else? Dam* well bedder be legal or we will throw your arse in jail and  leave you there.

The rich are different from you and me. Proud they are of that since it places them above and beyond and out of reach of the law. Until and unless it doesn't. SIGH. And the beat goes on.

Posted - March 18, 2019
