It seems Don don's SIL chats regularly with his best bud the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia (the murder dismemberer orderer) via WHATSAPP! Yep. He do. ALSO Ivanka uses her personal email account to conduct government business. YAP! It's troop!
So the big bloviating belligerent bellicose bluster boy has a son-in-law and a daughter who otter know better who are doing exactly what he attacked Hillary for doing AND why his audience of cheerers shout LOCK HER UP!
So because Don don is so fair and just will he attack.insult Jared and Ivanka and will his adoring cheering crowds shout LOCK HER UP directed at Ivanka and LOCK HIM UP directed at Jared? Inquiring minds wanna know.
While we are talking about jacka** lets touch on golf.
Don don relentlessly attacked President Obama for playing golf. Don don said he would have no time for playing golf as prez he would be so busy presidenting!. Guess what folks? He plays golf so much more than Obama did it's hilariously stupendously funnydumb but y'all don't care that he does do ya? Once a jacka** (remember the birther stupid dumb?) always a jacka**(currently it has to do with attacking insulting a 7-months-dead AMERICAN PATRIOT AND MILITARY WAR HERO of whom liddle donny d is so JEALOUS stupid dumb). Jacka**es of the world unite behind the Jacka** in chief. He be such a good rolemodel for jacka**! He win dat prize hands down. Top jacka** who ever was or ever will be. Is there a Nobel Prize for dat ting? He be da winner.