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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Not a peep or a squeak from his peeps when he RELENTLESSLY attacks insults anyone. Yet anyone who dare to relentless back THEY ATTACK. Why?

Not a peep or a squeak from his peeps when he RELENTLESSLY attacks insults anyone. Yet anyone who dare to relentless back THEY ATTACK. Why?

Do they turn  BLIND EYE to his egregious outrgeous horrendous attacks because they agree with him adore him support him or because they are scared to death of him and don't want him attacking them? They go out loaded for bear in hordes and multitudes fighting anyone or anything who dares to attack back. Period. End of story.

So how come it's way okay for Don don to mouth off all the time about everyone and everything RELENTLESSLY but it's the end of the world if anyone dare criticize a hair on his orange head? Methinks something stinks bigly in Don don land and his protectors lost their sense of smell long ago. They don't smell the stench/stink. To them it is fragrant and aromatic and oh so beautiful. SIGH. There are none so blind as those who REFUSE to see. There are none so weird as those whose sense of smell is gone. Limburger cheese or a rose. All the same to them. They wax poetic about the fragrance of the cheese! I know. Weird.

Posted - March 22, 2019
