Why would you charge EXTRA for safety features? You charge extra for gold plating or diamonds or kobe beef or Russian caviar. You OUGHT NOT CHARGE EXTRA FOR LIFE-SAVING DOODADS. Should ya? Sheesh! :(
Welcome to America. The land where making money is more important than anything else - including human life.
Companies want money and they are willing to do just about anything to get it - regardless of the consequences.
* Make 1 employee do the work of 5 - but for less money (and fewer (if any) benefits). Result - Companies save billions of dollars while creating an overworked, stressed out work force.
* Jack up the price of some prescriptions 100%-1,000%. Result - Companies rake in billions of dollars, while people die because they can no longer afford life saving meds.
* Downsize the product, but raise the price. Result - Companies rake in billions of dollars, while people have to do with less as wages are stagnant.
* Airlines charge for folks to take their luggage with them when they fly. Result - Airlines rake in billions of 'unearned' dollars,because their customers have no choice.
* People in California saved water during the drought, so now some water companies there want to jack up rates 75%-85% to recover their "losses". Result - Those companies rake in billions of dollars, while many folks on fixed incomes can no longer afford the basic necessity of water.
Gas/Electric companies pocketing money instead of using it to fix their infrastructure. Result - Billions of dollars in losses, numerous people dead. So the companies wants to jack up prices so that they can "fix the problem", and pay huge bonuses to their management.
Charging for safety features? That doesn't surprise me one bit. Just another tactic for companies to legally defraud people out of their money while they get richer.
Congratulations on purchasing your brand new $55,000 car. While your car no longer comes with frivolous things like things like breaks, steraing, seatbelts and tires, you can purchase them separately with one or more of our Premium Accessory Packages. You can choose from -
-- Our Elegant Break Package (for those rare times when you might want to slow down or stop) - $30,000
-- Our Classic steering package (for those times when you tire of going in a straight line) - $150,000
-- Our Deluxe Tire Package, complete with air and tread (lug nuts sold separately) - $10,000
-- Our Supreme Seatbelt or Airbag package (for those rare times when you might get into an accident) - $65,000 per belt or airbag (each sold separately).
Our top notch mechanics will gladly install these packages on your new car for only $45,000 (+ labor) for each package purchased (instruction manuals sold separately but are available online for your purchasing pleasure.