Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Greedy, Feckless, Coldjearted SOB's! Pols who want to eliminate the AHCA! Americans are tops at being greedy. WHY?
Greedy, Feckless, Coldjearted SOB's! Pols who want to eliminate the AHCA! Americans are tops at being greedy. WHY?
Incompetent, heartless and greedy... heady combination. American politicians who don't give a rat's a** about the people vis a vis health care. Other countries manage it quite well. Americans SUCK at it. Swell!
We are on the same page. I used it to describe Betsy on your last question.
If the feckless shoe fits.....
As far as this health care issue? I am thrilled. Bring it on. BRING IT. This will end this administration faster than you can say .... DRAIN THE SWAMP.
Republicans need health care insurance too..... and no one cares about Russia and whether Trump is innocent of any charges that are not sticking.
Sweetie there are only so many words available to us. When this is all over (when?) I'm pretty sure we will have EXHAUSTED all of them. You know what is very disturbing now? A couple of things. 1. Why didn't Mueller CONCLUDE vis a vis OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE? Why did he leave the issue unresolved? Why did he just present all the facts and then NOT use them to decide anything? 2. Why did Barr intercede and take over and decide? He totally destroyed the entire point of having a Special Counsel. He brought the decision from objective to political. He destroyed any credibility he might have had and has shown he is NOT objective. He is just another typical ordinary average trumpican template toady sycophant Roy Cohn. 3. Apparently though Mueller is done (else why his report?) THE GRAND JURY is still working on other issues related to this. Now how could he have been "done" when THE GRAND JURY isn't? I don't get it. 4. I fear that Don don will reverse his decision to let the folks see the Mueller report and resort to Executive Privilege to prevent its release so we will once again be stonewalled. I hope I'm wrong. Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)